每日新闻摘要:破解打开Windows Shell
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Microsoft is laying the groundwork for separating Shell UI components of Windows 10 from the rest of the OS. That work could be leading to a more modularized Windows, for greater flexibility in future product offerings.

微软为将Windows 10的Shell UI组件与操作系统的其余部分分开奠定了基础。 这项工作可能会导致Windows更加模块化,从而在将来的产品中提供更大的灵活性。

A Twitter user who goes by the handle frequently unearths future Microsoft plans by delving into the code on Insider builds. When digging around in Insider Build 18917, Albacore noticed some intriguing changes. Microsoft started work on separating the

推特( Twitter用户经常通过深入研究Insider构建中的代码来发掘Microsoft的未来计划。 当在Insider Build 18917中进行挖掘时,Albacore注意到一些有趣的变化。 Microsoft开始着手将分开

In the short run, this doesn’t mean a lot for average Windows users; they’re unlikely to notice the difference. But pulling the Shell UI out of the base OS opens new possibilities for Microsoft. That change could be useful for Microsoft’s , which could include just the parts necessary for a particular device like Hololens or rumored dual-screen devices.

在短期内,这对于Windows普通用户而言并不意味着什么。 他们不太可能注意到差异。 但是,将Shell UI从基本操作系统中拉出来将为Microsoft开辟新的可能性。 这项更改对Microsoft的可能很有用,其中可能仅包括Hololens或传闻的双屏设备等特定设备所需的部件。

Eventually, users may benefit as well, since these ordinarily static components could see updates without an entire OS update. And as Albacore pointed out, one more interesting possibility is to sync settings for components like File Explorer across devices. []

最终,用户也会从中受益,因为这些通常是静态的组件可能会在没有整个操作系统更新的情况下看到更新。 正如Albacore所指出的,另一种有趣的可能性是跨设备同步文件资源管理器等组件的设置。 [ ]

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NASA wants to go back to the moon, and eventually create an outpost there. Another moon trip is a step in the overarching plan to go to Mars, and it’s a sensible step. If we can’t reliably and safely go to a place relatively close to us, how can we hope to travel further?

NASA希望回到月球,并最终在月球上建立一个前哨基地。 另一个登月之旅是前往火星的总体计划中的一步,这是明智的一步。 如果我们不能可靠,安全地到达离我们较近的地方,我们怎么希望走得更远?

But space travel (well any travel) costs money, and NASA just put out its proposal for the first moon trip in five years: 20 to 30 billion dollars, on top of the current NASA budget. That number may seem high, but it’s lower than what watchers were predicting.

但是太空旅行(包括任何旅行)都是要花钱的,NASA刚刚提出了五年内第一次月球旅行的建议:在当前NASA预算的基础上再增加20到300亿美元。 这个数字看似很高,但低于观察者的预期。

It’s easy to forget that while NASA doesn’t technically make and sell products, the technology it invents or helps design along the way often does come back to consumers. If you enjoy velcro, memory foam beds, or better vision due to LASIK, you owe thanks (at least in part) to NASA.

容易忘记的是,尽管NASA从技术上讲并不制造和销售产品,但它在整个过程中发明或帮助设计的技术通常会重新带给消费者。 如果您喜欢使用魔术贴,记忆海绵床或由于LASIK而获得更好的视力,则应该(至少部分地)要感谢NASA。

Traveling to other moons and planets may seem unnecessary at the moment, but beyond the science to be discovered along the way, some say it’s necessary for the ultimate survival of humanity. Our world is only so large, our resources only so vast.  As Carl Sagan once put it: “All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct.” []

目前似乎没有必要去其他卫星和行星旅行,但是除了沿途发现的科学之外,有人说这对于人类的最终生存至关重要。 我们的世界如此之大,我们的资源如此之大。 正如卡尔·萨根(Carl Sagan)曾经说过的那样:“所有文明都会发展到太空或灭绝。” [ ]



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